Telecoils, also known as T-coils, are a small device that can be found in many hearing aids and cochlear implants. They are designed to pick up magnetic signals, such as those emitted by telephone handsets and hearing loops, and convert them into sound that can be heard by the person wearing the hearing aid or cochlear implant.
Telecoils can be a valuable tool for individuals with hearing loss, as they can help to improve communication in a variety of settings.
How are Telecoils Used?
One of the most common uses of telecoils is in telephone communication. Many telephones have a built-in magnetic induction loop system, which sends a magnetic signal through the telephone’s handset. When a hearing aid or cochlear implant with a telecoil is placed next to the handset, the magnetic signal is picked up and converted into sound. This enables the person with hearing loss to hear the conversation more clearly. This can be especially helpful for individuals who have difficulty hearing on the phone.
Another common use for telecoils is in public spaces such as theaters, churches, and conference rooms. Many of these spaces are equipped with hearing loops, which are a type of assistive listening system that uses a magnetic signal to transmit sound directly to hearing aids and cochlear implants with telecoils. This can help to reduce background noise and improve the overall listening experience for individuals with hearing loss.
How can Telecoils Help You?
Telecoils can also be helpful in situations where there is a lot of background noise, such as in a crowded public event. In these situations, the telecoil can be used to pick up the magnetic signal emitted by a microphone, allowing the person with hearing loss to hear the announcements or speakers more clearly.
It’s also worth mentioning that many newer smartphones have a built-in telecoil function that can help people with hearing aids to hear the phone calls more clearly. Activating this function can be done by going to the phone’s settings, and then to the accessibility or hearing aid options.
Telecoils are a valuable tool for individuals with hearing loss, as they can help to improve communication in a variety of settings. They can be especially helpful for telephone communication, in public spaces such as theaters and conference rooms, and in situations where there is a lot of background noise. Many newer smartphones have a built-in telecoil function that can also help to hear phone calls more clearly.
If you have a hearing aid or cochlear implant with a telecoil, be sure to take advantage of this feature. Remember when out and about to ask people to activate their hearing loop system, if they have one. You’ll know if an establishment has a hearing loop installed based on the signs they use. Here’s a quick reference to help you understand signage that indicates if a hearing loop is available or not.
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If you’d like more information about optimizing your hearing experience, get in touch with our hearing specialists today. The hearing care professionals at Anderson Audiology are here to assist you with your hearing health. Call us today on 702-997-2964. Alternatively, click here to request an appointment online.