Hearing Aid Fitting Process: What To Expect
Now that you are picking up your new hearing aids, you are probably a bit nervous, excited, scared, unsure and anxious. Not to worry, you are in good hands with your hearing health care professional and they will walk you through the whole process and what you can expect now with your new hearing aids.
Understanding Your Hearing Aid Device
When you go in for your fitting appointment be sure to ask your hearing health care professional any questions or concerns you may have. They are a wealth of information and are there for you to make you feel more comfortable and to help you to understand the process. Your hearing health care professional will then show you your new hearing aid.
Caring for the Hearing Aid
They will explain the functions of the hearing aid and what each part of the hearing aid is. General cleaning and care instructions will be discussed so that you have full understanding. It cannot be stressed enough that the better you take care of and clean your hearing aids the longer they will last. We want you to get the most out of your new hearing aids. Fitting the Hearing Aid
Your hearing health care professional will then fit you with your new hearing aids. They will show how to properly put them in your ears and how to properly take them out. Then your hearing health care professional will turn on the hearing aid for you so you can give your feedback on the initial programing of the hearing aid. Your hearing aids will have already been pre-programed to your hearing loss but your hearing health care professional can tweak it to accommodate your needs and lifestyle a little bit more..
Hearing Aid Adjustments
Your hearing health care professional will make any necessary adjustments to the sound and volume of your hearing aids as needed in one or all of the programs. Be sure to note how you hear over the next week or so, prior to your follow-up appointment, and report this back to your hearing health care professional so that they can make any necessary adjustments to your hearing aids at that next appointment.
It’s important to take your time and get used to the new feeling and sound in your ears. Be patient and understanding with yourself during this time and process. Try to not push yourself too hard as well. Your ears will tire easily with this added stimulation so take it easy and if you need to take a rest make sure to do so.
If you would like to speak with one of our experienced hearing health care professionals, contact us at Anderson Audiology and schedule an appointment today.