Thanksgiving is just a few short weeks away, and your preparations may already be in full swing. Whether you’re planning on celebrating Thanksgiving in the comfort of your own home or you’ve been invited out, it’s a fantastic time of year to celebrate with friends and family.
If you have a hearing loss, you may be concerned that it will hinder your ability to enjoy Thanksgiving to the fullest. But fear not. Our Thanksgiving tips for those with hearing loss will help make this holiday season a turkey trot.
Dress for Success
Formal or informal, there’s one item of dress you must remember this Thanksgiving: your hearing aids. These make it easier for you to actively participate in social situations and enjoy the conversation.
Where possible, prepare your hearing aids in advance for the environment you’re going to be in. For example, if you know you’re likely to be in a loud environment, or one with a lot of background noise, adjust your settings accordingly. You may also want to consider connectivity products to enhance your listening capabilities.
Placement Matters
In addition to the food, the social element of Thanksgiving is one of the best parts. To help maximize your enjoyment of the social element, choose your seat at the table wisely.
Whether you’re hosting or being hosted, opt for somewhere that gives you the best visibility of the guests’ faces. Picking a spot where your back is to the wall will help to reduce background noise.
Get Friends & Family Involved
Don’t feel shy to remind your friends and family of your hearing loss. Ask them to speak a little louder and remember to face you directly when speaking. Boost your confidence by “buddying” up with someone who understands your hearing loss.
Take Breaks when Needed
Keeping up with the conversation in a noisy social situation can be challenging for everyone. However, with a hearing loss it can be extra taxing. Don’t forget to take breaks, and give your ears some quiet time. Use it as the perfect opportunity for a one on one conversation!
General Communication Tips
These communication tips can help you throughout the year, not just at Thanksgiving!
- Before speaking to someone, get their attention. Try saying their name or briefly touching their arm or hand.
- Always face the person you are speaking with.
- Speak slowly and clearly, don’t shout.
- If you suffer from asymmetric hearing loss (hearing loss is more pronounced on one side), try orienting yourself so that your best ear is closest to the sound.
- Avoid guessing or pretending. If you are struggling to hear, trying cupping your hand behind your ear. It’s a simple but effective tip.
Your hearing loss doesn’t mean that you have to miss out on the social events this Thanksgiving. If you would like to check that your hearing aids are ready for the holiday season, the team at Anderson Audiology would be happy to check them for you. Book a consultation with us by calling 702-997-2964 or click here.