7 Habits That May Be Damaging To Your Hearing Health

As more research on hearing loss is being conducted, scientists and doctors are uncovering more connections between your overall health and hearing. Everything is connected, and there are bad habits that might have implications for your hearing. 

One thing to remember is that once your hearing is gone, it is gone for good. That’s why it’s important to take preventative measures now. Understanding how your lifestyle choices can affect your hearing is a good first step. 

7 Bad Habits That Could Damage Your Hearing

Most of us know that noise can damage our hearing. But there are other things that can also pose a risk to our hearing. Here are 7 bad habits that could damage your hearing:


Of course, everyone knows that smoking is bad for them. If you smoke, you likely hear it all the time. You may have even tried to quit. However, what you may not realize, is that in addition to all the other dangers of smoking, it can also be causing irreversible damage to your ears. Even second-hand smoke can cause damage to loved ones’ hearing too.


Excessive drinking has several implications when it comes to your hearing. When high levels of alcohol are found in the bloodstream, it can cause ototoxicity which damages the hair cells in the cochlea. 

In addition to that, moderate to high alcohol drinking can cause a type of brain damage that hinders the ability for it to process sounds. When alcoholism comes into play, it can cause the central auditory cortex to become damaged, which often leads to brain shrinkage.


Both eating too much and not exercising enough are two habits that, when combined, can lead to hearing loss. Diabetes and other circulatory problems can end up affecting the ears.

Cleaning with Q-Tips

While this may not completely fall into the category of a “bad habit”, using Q-Tips in your ears is a common practice that can easily cause irreversible damage to your ears and your hearing. 

Listening to Loud Noises 

Many people who listen to music through headphones or earbuds don’t realize that over time, listening too loud can damage their hearing

Ignoring Your Dental Health 

You may have heard that there are implications beyond your teeth and gums if you don’t keep up with your dental health and visit the dentist regularly. However, you may not realize that there is a connection between bad oral hygiene and your hearing. Harmful bacteria can enter the bloodstream which can lead to a number of health problems that are all linked to hearing loss. 

Skipping Doctor Visits

Seeing your regular physician annually for a physical can detect early signs of hearing loss. Besides a preliminary hearing assessment, your doctor can detect early signs of hearing loss including some minor things that can be corrected like an obstruction or earwax buildup.

Trust the Experts at Anderson Audiology

Do you have further questions about your hearing? Our team would be happy to help. Contact the hearing healthcare specialists at Anderson Audiology today on 702-997-2964. Alternatively, click here to request an appointment online.

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The purpose of this hearing assessment and/or demonstration is for hearing wellness to determine if the client(s) may benefit from using hearing aids. Products demonstrated may differ from products sold. Test conclusion may not be a medical diagnosis. The use of any hearing aid may not fully restore normal hearing and does not prevent future hearing loss. Testing is to evaluate your hearing wellness, which may include selling and fitting hearing aids. Hearing instruments may not meet the needs of all hearing-impaired individuals. One offer per customer. Insurance benefit, including Managed Care or federal reimbursements, cannot be combined with any of our promotional offers, coupons or discounts. Other terms may apply. See office for details.

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